Friday, September 8, 2017

About Pedro Solana

                                         Pedro Solana in ChiangMai

Pedro Solana is Chief Instructor and Director of Muay Thai Sangha Fighting Arts

Pedro Solana was born in Spain. He entered the martial arts world training judo when he was only six years old. In the 80's he was introduced into MuayThai by Ajarn Eugenio Fraile, where his fighting career began. In the early 90's he moved to the USA to further his Muay Thai skills under Ajarn Surachai Sirusute and continue professionally fighting for a number of years. During these years he was training other disciplines including Wing Chun under Sifu Francis Fong, Kali under Guro Dan Inosanto, and various other masters of grappling (Machado brothers, Royce Gracie, Ricardo Murgel and Jacare Calvalcante).

In 1998, after becoming the United States Muay Thai Middle Weight Professional Champion, he decided to travel to Thailand for a full year to expand his Muay Thai and Krabi Krabong skills. In 2000 he opened the Thailand Arts Institute in Atlanta, GA. to support his fighting career. In 2002 he permanently moved to Thailand to continue learning. After becoming a monk he went to train Muay Thai Chaiya under Kru Lek and came back to Krabi Krabong (Thai Weapons) training under Ajarn Sila Mesaman from the Wat Buddhai Sawan School. In 2003, Pedro Solana opened his first school in Thailand. In 2010 he expanded into various other forms of South East Asian martial arts including Silat Minangkabau Ground Fighting, Bokator and Kalaripayattu. From his exposure to different martial arts a unique and effective system of self defense known as "Muay Thai Sangha Fighting Arts" was created. 

Later on, through experience, deep reflection, and self discovery, Pedro Solana realized in meditation that certain aspects in the FIghting Arts where missing. In 2013 he decide to blend these internal concepts together and develop a new form of self defense called "Kshatria Sangham Internal Arts"  that included all the concepts from his past experiences of fighting.
His work now is involved in teaching seminars around the world, and creating documentaries to expose a very important message for humanity related to overcoming inner fears and developing and understanding of the "Self" through the path of martial arts.


Muay Thai Boran has gather the most efficient ancient techniques proven in Thai warfare for hundreds of years. It's referred to as the art of the eight limbs because includes in it's arsenal a variety of punches, elbows, knees, kicks, head butts, different throws and neck wrestling techniques.
The Muay Thai Boran courses at the school, instead of only focusing in empty hand fighting, they also blend different weapons with the Muay Thai, to ensure practitioners a deeper understanding about the different fighting ranges. 

Muay Chaiya is an old style of Muay Thai Boran practiced in the south of Thailand for hundreds of years.
The striking is done with all the limbs of the body. Muay Chaiya most dangerous weapons are the counter techniques, blocks with knees and elbows and the multi-opponent footwork skills attained by practicing the Yang Sam Kum form. The attacks are very quick and come as a series of machine-gun like blows coming from all angles.

Krabi- Krabong is closely related to Muay Thai Boran (ancient Muay Thai). When a soldier would loose his weapon in battle he had to be able to use empty hand techniques to defend himself. Here is where the Muay Thai connection appears.
In the courses, Krabi-Krabong and Muay Thai are taught together because they use both similar techniques. The weapons training will improve our coordination, increase our vision, develop faster footwork, and gain a better understanding of distance and timing.
The main weapons taught at the courses are, the single and double swords, the wooden staff and the knife, which are all part of Krabi-Krabong ancient weapons based system. 
The teaching methodology in the weapons training is a blend of different styles from Thailand and Burma.

Silat Minangkabau is a blend of ground fighting arts from West Sumatra region, with effective self-defense techniques, quick takedowns and effective strikes from the ground.
The different animal styles are Tiger (harimau), Cat (cuchin), Crocodile (buayo), and Snake (ular). They are trained by offensive and defensive sets of movements to develop the mobility between ground and standing up fighting.
For information on a private one-to-one tuition on any particular style from Pedro Solana please send your request or enquiry to 

E : sanghahealing@hotmail .com
T : +66 (86) 11 77 021

1 comment:

Lakey Inspired